Phyllis Burchett | Equine Photographer
As Seen In …

About Phyllis Burchett
As a professional equine photographer, not only have I been in awe of the beautiful creatures I’ve loved all of my life—horses, but I am also captivated by birds, bears, and stunning landscapes across the world.
*Many images you see on my website are available for print or licensing. Inquire for details.
It isn’t where you came from.
It’s where you’re going that counts.
~ Ella Fitzgerald
Resources & Education for Equine Photographers
From annual Equine Photo Tours in Iceland to hosting retreats at working ranches across the United States, I love to share my passion for photography with up-and-coming photographers.
Free Guide to
Equine Photography
Workshops & Tours
Cowgirls with Cameras
Community & Events
Behind-the-Scenes Blog
Explore in-depth how-to articles plus enjoy my favorite images taken at recent photography workshops and retreats.
Dryhead Ranch Retreat and my travels to MT this July!
Dryhead Ranch Retreat 2023 …. what a wild ride! The Dryhead Ranch is a four-generation working ranch nestled in the Pryor Mountains on the Crowe Indian Reservation in Montana. Each July Cowgirls with Cameras head to the Dryhead for our yearly photography retreat. This...
It’s Iceland Baby!
WoW...another fabulous Iceland Equine Photo Tour is in the books! Every year I think it just can't get any better but the farm at Skalakot delivers in every way, the scenery, the horses, the hospitality and oh my goodness the cuisine! Of course, having a...
2023 Art of the Cowgirl Montana Gathering
I just returned home from a whirlwind trip to Florida and Montana. I headed down to Ocala first where I met Olana Osborn of Olana Films for a one-day Video Workshop. I told myself this time I was going to dedicate myself to working on what I had learned that day, but...
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