Phyllis Burchett | Equine Photographer
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About Phyllis Burchett
As a professional equine photographer, not only have I been in awe of the beautiful creatures I’ve loved all of my life—horses, but I am also captivated by birds, bears, and stunning landscapes across the world.
*Many images you see on my website are available for print or licensing. Inquire for details.
It isn’t where you came from.
It’s where you’re going that counts.
~ Ella Fitzgerald
Resources & Education for Equine Photographers
From annual Equine Photo Tours in Iceland to hosting retreats at working ranches across the United States, I love to share my passion for photography with up-and-coming photographers.
Free Guide to
Equine Photography
Workshops & Tours
Cowgirls with Cameras
Community & Events
Behind-the-Scenes Blog
Explore in-depth how-to articles plus enjoy my favorite images taken at recent photography workshops and retreats.
St Augustine 2021 Fabulous Once Again!!!
This is the fourth year we have hosted a workshop in St Augustine and each year my colleague, Cara with Fast Horse Photography has out done herself. This year was no exception, when she talked about the Pegasus wings last year I have to admit I was skeptical but...
Never underestimate the power of networking, I met Maizie through a mutual friend, Kinsey Artfitch. Maizie helped me out last year during the pandemic with some product photography for Weaver Leather. Her parents are from Louisiana, they lived in Idaho previously but...
My Personal Photography Project for 2021
In this crazy, upside down world of COVID we all need to find something to fuel our creative spirit and take our thoughts to another place. I love personal projects, I've done quite a few over the years. One thing I did in December was join Shelley Paulsen's group the...
Follow Phyllis Burchett Online
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