Phyllis Burchett | Equine Photographer


As Seen In …


About Phyllis Burchett

As a professional equine photographer, not only have I been in awe of the beautiful creatures I’ve loved all of my life—horses, but I am also captivated by birds, bears, and stunning landscapes across the world. 




*Many images you see on my website are available for print or licensing. Inquire for details.


It isn’t where you came from.
It’s where you’re going that counts.
~ Ella Fitzgerald

Resources & Education for Equine Photographers


From annual Equine Photo Tours in Iceland to hosting retreats at working ranches across the United States, I love to share my passion for photography with up-and-coming photographers.


Free Guide to
Equine Photography

Cowgirls with Cameras
Community & Events

Behind-the-Scenes Blog


 Explore in-depth how-to articles plus enjoy my favorite images taken at recent photography workshops and retreats.

Photographing Horses and Other Animals Together

Photographing Horses and Other Animals Together

Photographing horses and other animals together can create heartwarming images that capture the relationships and dynamics between different species. This is a great opportunity to create memorable photographs that tell a story and evoke emotion. If you shoot for...

C Lazy U Ranch 2024 Photographers Winter Getaway

C Lazy U Ranch 2024 Photographers Winter Getaway

Cowgirls with Cameras first ever Winter Photography event was AMAZING! Thank you to the wonderful group of photographers that joined us at the C Lazy U Ranch for some winter photography, what a fantastic group! We had such a great time with each of you, thanks to...

Getaway for some Winter Photography Fun

Getaway for some Winter Photography Fun

I'm so excited about our upcoming getaway for some Winter Photography fun at the C Lazy U Ranch in beautiful Colorado that I thought I'd help get myself in the mood with a wintry blog post! Let's talk about winter photography, shooting in frigid temps and snowy...

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