Let’s ditch the resolutions and focus on creating some truly magical images in the year ahead by infusing our photography with intention – creating images that resonate, that enchant, that tell a deeper story.
Let these tips be your compass as you navigate toward your objective:
1. Look around.
Be observant of your surroundings, even to those things that first appear ordinary.
Open your eyes to the range of possibilities – from close-ups to overviews.
2. What story are you trying to tell?
What do you want viewers to see so your photo takes them to another time and place? What is YOUR SUBJECT? Sometimes your focus includes a main subject and one or two supporting subjects.
3. With your subject in sight, move around to find the best angle.
Also work the scene from the ground level, standing level and above the subject to change your point of view. For some shots when you think you are close, move even closer.
4. Look for leading lines that draw your viewer into the image.
Look for natural and man-made elements to frame your shots.
5. Pay attention to patterns.
Be aware of patterns, shadows, reflections, and silhouettes that are eye-catching.
6. Add variety.
To achieve a variety of perspectives, remember to take advantage of different times of day and the changing seasons. Learn to use available and artificial light to your benefit.

Icelandic Waterfall Gullfoss in the Spring (above) and Winter (below)
7. Always think in three dimensions by using foreground and background aspects.
There is nothing more uninspiring than a flat photo.
8. Compose elements in the image before shooting.
Eliminate anything from the frame that would detract from your subject.
Remember KISS: Keep it Simply Silly
9. Learn the basic rules of composition – such as shooting your subject off center (rule of thirds)
and filling the frame to eliminate negative space.
However, sometimes rules are meant to be broken, I love negative space in an image too!
An understanding of those rules allows you to break them to attain a dramatic effect.
Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist. ~ Pablo Picasso
10. Be ready for “lucky” moments.
Luck does play a role in creating great photos when you happen to be in the right place at the right time.
But you can give luck a nudge in your direction by learning to create your images.
Cheers to a year of image-making magic! ✨
I’d love to have you join me and Cowgirls with Cameras at one of our events this year
where it will be our honor to help you focus on creating magical images!
Head over to my event page and check out where we’ll be headed soon!