Phyllis Burchett | Equine Photographer
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About Phyllis Burchett
As a professional equine photographer, not only have I been in awe of the beautiful creatures I’ve loved all of my life—horses, but I am also captivated by birds, bears, and stunning landscapes across the world.
*Many images you see on my website are available for print or licensing. Inquire for details.
It isn’t where you came from.
It’s where you’re going that counts.
~ Ella Fitzgerald
Resources & Education for Equine Photographers
From annual Equine Photo Tours in Iceland to hosting retreats at working ranches across the United States, I love to share my passion for photography with up-and-coming photographers.
Free Guide to
Equine Photography
Workshops & Tours
Cowgirls with Cameras
Community & Events
Behind-the-Scenes Blog
Explore in-depth how-to articles plus enjoy my favorite images taken at recent photography workshops and retreats.
Event Photography Basics
Here are some basic tips for getting great shots at equine events. Know Your Events No matter what type of equine event photography you choose, it’s important to know your events. Each event has its own rules and skills, and understanding those rules is an important...
How Capturing Details Gives A New Point of View
When you think about horse photography, you might think of a photo of a horse standing, or maybe running, and that image could be the whole horse. If you want to try something different, concentrate on details. Capturing details can be the close-up of a horse’s eye....
Workshop, Tour or Retreat—Which One Is for You?
Confused about the difference between a photography workshop, tour, and retreat? First, should you attend one? Absolutely! There is always room to grow as long as you are open to learning. I know that personally I never want to stop learning and growing as a...
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